Friday 11 March 2016

The Secret Karate Community of Delhi

In the combat sports community more often than not we find aspiring athletes who somewhere along the way begin to fade. The competition, run out of motivation or something else, outmatches them but the end result is that they fall short of achieving the goals they had set out to achieve. The Karate community, how ever is different to say the least. Karate training in Delhi is heavily grounded in tradition and discipline and perhaps it is this characteristic of Karate that makes it practitioners several times more likely to not give up, whether the goal is fitness, self-defense, lifestyle change or something else.

The core of the value system Karate training follows is its belt system and Delhi is no different. The exact same belt system that is followed everywhere else is adhered to in the Karate training in Delhi.

The Belts System

There used to be a story of how the belt system came into existence. They said as new practitioners started out in their white uniforms, the blood and dirt of years of training turned their belts black. But this is a myth. How ever lets understand the deeper meaning behind this belt system of Karate.

White Belt
White is a symbol of purity and innocence. The beginner wears white to denote he is fresh, empty and has no knowledge of the art he is now starting. All karate training beginnings with the white belt.

Yellow Belt

The yellow belt symbolizes the first few rays of sunlight. The learning has begun. The journey has begun. The practitioner is gaining skill.

Orange Belt 
Orange symbolizes that the Karate training is now reaching substantial levels. The sun is rising higher, the rays are stronger and the skill and knowledge of the practitioner are growing at the right pace.

Green Belt

If somebody is doing Karate Classes in Delhi and he reaches green belt, that is a respectable position because the commercial exposure to Martial Arts is not that high in Delhi. Green signifies that the seed is now turning into a plant. It has taken in the nourishment of the sun and is growing into a strong and powerful organism.

Blue Belt

The blue belt symbolizes the plant growing rapidly and reaching upwards and outwards towards the sky. The practitioner’s skill is reaching expert levels. He is now approaching mastery.

Brown Belt

The plant has become a full-fledged tree! He is firmly grounded in the techniques and training he possesses. He is strengthened by all the years of sweat and blood he has put into his training.

Red Belt

Red signifies danger, the Karate training has a reached a level where the practitioner is dangerous. Red cautions all enemies to stay away and remind the practitioner to exercise control.

Black Belt

Interestingly the Karate training of Delhi has yielded many black belts. Black is the opposite of white and it denotes mastery. The practitioner is impervious to fear and weakness.

The journey of Karate training transforms the entire being. No wonder we have seen major growth in this sector.  

May we always move towards strength and growth!