Friday 27 December 2019

Learn how to fight and get fit with Self- Defense Training in Delhi

The ever increasing crime rate in Delhi is a concern that needs to addressed very seriously. Rape, molestation, murders are on the rise, to such an extent that Delhi was called the rape capital of India. One of the ways for us  to be prepared if we come face to face with such a situation is to prepare ourselves and Self Defense training in Delhi is one such option.
Also, wellness is one such area that has recently attracted a lot of people.
Self-defense training in Delhi takes care of both these aspects - trains you to fight and also take care of your fitness.
When we are in a situation where we need to defend ourselves what we do depends on the context of the situation rather than the techniques that we have learnt. It should simple yet effective movements, focused on the gross motor skills. This is because in a high stress situation we will tend to forget the complex techniques. But if we tailor our natural responses like the flinch and weaponise them, there would be no better defense. For instance, when something is thrown at us, our instant natural response is to lift our hand to block it. It is responses like these that we have to weaponize. The aim is to make them effortless and natural. These moves should come without a thought. Our thoughts should be focused on the strategy and not on the individual move; like - where to run, is there help nearby, would it better to run or to first knockout the person and other options. The individual moves should be a non stop barrage of hell that you unlesh on your assailant . The way to make this natural would be to undergo self defense training in Delhi and make this auto-pilot.
The other reason for you to take self- defense training in Delhi is for fitness. There are so many options that you can adopt when it comes to fitness but what makes self- defense different is that it is functional training, natural and in alignment with our body.
The human body has 7 movements which we can effectively train with self- defense training in Delhi.
- pull
- push
- squat
- locomotion
- rotation
- lunge
At all times, whether consciously or not we do these movements and the idea is to train and make them more natural.
Self- Defense training in Delhi is the duty, responsibility and obligation of each one of us. If you find a good trainer to teach self-defense you have hit the jackpot. It will boost your confidence, allow you to live a more free life, where you can move around without having to worry all the time and empower you.

Imagine knowing deep in your heart that you can protect your loved ones. Wouldn't you want to experience that feeling?

Thursday 17 October 2019

Muay Thai Training In Delhi- Planned For Short-Term Goals

You might have heard about Kickboxing, boxing, Karate, Martial arts etc but probably not about Muay Thai art because it is still relatively new in India. Undoubtedly, the most famous combat sport of Thailand, Muay Thai is based on the stand-up strikes and clinching techniques. A Muay Thai practitioner is trained to use knees, shins, elbows, fists and feet to attack the opponent as well as to defend the self. So, if you are concerned for the safety issues as raised by the regular happening incidents, learning Muay Thai training in Delhi is the best way to feel better secure in-premises or out.

Muay Thai Training Benefits beyond Learning Self Defense:

How will you feel with increased cardiovascular conditioning, leg strength, core strength, increased hip mobility, stress relief? How if you learn to break your physical and mental limitations with your quick actions? How much will you be benefitted by feeling fearless and more disciplined naturally? Just few days of Muay Thai training deliver more than just these few benefits to name.

During the training, you develop healthy eating habits and numbers of useful habits that improve your professional performance. The patience and focus on target are the basics of Muay Thai learning; so, you learn to manage anger that means you ‘say bye-bye to stresses and working pressures’.

Just A Few Days Are Enough To Learn Muay Thai In Delhi:

Don’t wait for the months vacations to learn Muay Thai; it will hardly happen to make you healthier and self defense confident Delhi citizen. The festive season is fast approaching with opportunity to spend just the couple of hours at Muay Thai training in Delhi. The training can be planned according to the available time and your convenience. When you pick the best Muay Thai training centre, you can expect to learn under the professional guidance of highly trained and qualified Muay Thai trainer. After learning the basics, you can switch over to the weekend Muay Thai training program.

The journey to become a Muay Thai practitioner is easy; you need to take just the first step.