Wednesday 6 January 2016

Martial Arts Training - Delhi’s New Buzz!

Delhi has witnessed a rise in the demand of Martial Arts training in the last few years. It seems as though, an activity that was once seen an underground scene has now suddenly exploded in the commercial domain and everyone in Delhi, is now aware and curios if not interested in Martial Arts training. 
People are training for various reasons. To stay in shape, to learn self-defense, to explore mysteries of the world concerning Martial Arts in Delhi. But do not assume that the deepest most authentic forms of Martial Arts are only available on some mountain top in a foreign land guarded by old masters. Right now Martial Arts training in Delhi is very high quality. Research a little and you will find a source that can assist you in this journey. There are some of the world’s most powerful gurus in this country and some of those gurus can be found in our very own Delhi! Combat sports has been a huge part of International sports events for more than 50 years. However as time has passed the regular office going man has also become exposed to this kind of training. In other words it’s not as ‘out of the box’ as it used to be to hear somebody in Delhi say ‘’hey I am training in Martial Arts’’. 

Practitioners from all over Delhi swear by the benefits and transformative positive impact Martial Arts training has in the lives of people. According to what they say, in the beginning most people start their routine with the objective of simply getting in shape and improving overall fitness. However with time more and more benefits of Martial Arts training are experienced as one begins to gain valuable traits such as confidence, persistence, focus, discipline, awareness etc. The characteristic of Martial Arts training that sets it apart from almost every other activity is its holistic nature. Fitness is comprised of many parts and popular activities such as weight training or running only target one of those parts for example weight training primarily only focuses on strength gaining and long distance running mainly focuses on endurance. This is what has made Martial Artstraining in Delhi so alluring, if you’re looking to reach/maintain your ideal weight, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your muscles and joints along with the experience of a whole range of psychological benefits then go to one of Delhi’s Dojos because this is surely a good fit for you.

There are few things, that if you keep in mind as you begin your Martial Arts training, you will be able to extract more from your practice. For example Martial Arts follows a ranking system and thus creates a hierarchy and brotherhood. There is a comrade of students in any good dojo. Blend in and you will have everyone assisting you in making faster progress. Another important aspect is the honor and value system of Martial Arts, even though in Delhi most training offered is commercial in nature but if you intend to go very deep into Martial Arts, you will have to embody the righteousness of a warrior. 

There are so many things that make the world of Martial Arts an interesting and mysterious one. If we look at its history, an interest point to note is that many believe the origin of Martial Arts training is India! History says an Indian monk Bodhidharma traveled to china and thus Martial Arts began spreading to other countries. Ancient forms of Martial Arts such as Kalaripayattu are also testimony to the belief that India maybe the birth place of Martial Arts.

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