Friday 10 July 2020

Covid-19 Makes Martial Arts Training In Delhi More Important To Have

Covid-19 pandemic is going to leave long-lasting impacts in the capital city New Delhi; it is being seen as the one among the most affected cities in India. The graph of Covid-19 patients is expected to rise in the coming months also. The very common concern of people in Delhi is the protection against the deadly pandemic. Although Ayush Mantralaya of Govt. of India has released the ‘Aarogya Setu’ app to inform the people about the effective measures against Coronavirus attack but the focus in to boost the immunity and lungs power. The market shelves are flooded with a variety of immunity boosters but most of these are costly and not much promising unless tested by self. Amid the prevailing conditions, training our body and mind to avert the attacks of viruses is the best solution; and, mixed martial arts training in Delhi does the same.

Why Precaution Is Better Than Treatment Of Covid-19: 

The risk of COVID-19 increases for the people suffering from low immunity, low lungs power, obesity, and high blood pressure etc. Most people getting sick with COVID-19 get the infection through the airways to the lungs. Martial Arts practicing strengthens the lungs, maintains the blood pressure, increases immunity, and reduces obesity. Ok, recovery rate from COVID-19 is so far satisfactory in India but treatment leaves long-lasting health effects.

MMA Training Strengthens to Face COVID-19 Challenges: 

MMA is a hybrid combat sport having the essence of boxing, jujitsu, karate, wrestling, judo, Muay Thai and other Martial Arts disciplines. Most of the experts agree that the combination of Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing and Wrestling delivers unique health benefits to MMA practitioners. Leading health and fitness clubs providing mixed martial arts training in Delhi are focused more on fitness, weight loss, and strength to help the students counter-down COVID-19 challenges. The exercises like punching, blocking and kicking provide multidimensional benefits of anaerobic and aerobic. At the initial stage of Martial Arts training you learn: 

Standing well
Taking the perfect move
Throwing a kick and a punch 
Basic grappling techniques

Each Martial Arts practicing session can drain out almost 650 calories. Is your body capable to take the load? Don’t worry, Martial Arts trainers train your body and mind both through programmed exercises. 

11 MMA Conditioning Exercises To Help You Fight With COVID-19 Also:   

1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Single-Leg Alternating Burpees
3. Abs Alternating Bicycle Kicks
4. Forward Zercher Lunges
5. Plyo Push Up Burpees
6. Dive Bombers 
7. DB Chest Press
8. Dumbbell Burpees
9. Dumbbell Punches
10. Speed Climbing Burpees
11. Burpees     

Is Mixed Martial Arts Training in Delhi COVID-19 safe?  

Yes, it is safe. The govt. has issued advisory to Gyms and fitness clubs to keep the members safe against any possibility of getting infected. Prominent mixed martial arts training providers in Delhi have advanced their facilities. Some mixed martial arts training classes are conducted online also; so, the students don’t need to go to the MMA fight club daily or for each session. All the necessary safety precautions are being taken but the members also need to take the initiatives at their own. 

8 Precautions that Make MMA Training COVID-19 Safe:  

1. Keep 6-foot distance because of heavy MMA breathing practices 
2. Handle the gloves carefully
3. Wash & sanitize the hands frequently
4. Sanitize the equipment before you touch 
5. Carry numbers of clean towels
6. Wear a mask when not doing exercise
7. Don’t avoid thermal screening 
8. Avoid taking food at the gym 

No doubt, Covid-19 pandemic is a serious threat for one and all but it is good to say that it can be kept away by introducing some easy to do changes in regular living style. According to reports, practicing the learned MMA skills regularly makes you stronger to counter down the COVID-19 threat. Just join the best mixed martial arts training in Delhi and be a COVID-19 safe healthy citizen of Delhi (India).   

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