Wednesday 29 September 2021

A sneak peak into Delhi’s mind blowing underground MMA scene

A lot of people don’t know this about Delhi but Delhi has many MMA classes that are led by highly talented coaches. In fact Delhi is one of the first few places in the country to have hosted MMA fight nights where fighters actually fought inside a cage!

Some of the earliest MMA classes and fight nights go back to the year 2011. Since then MMA classes in Delhi have spawned an entire industry and trend that has spread throughout the country. This scene which was earlier mainly underground and had a very niche audience has now become more mainstream catering to people of all ages and skill levels pretty much like the Indian hip-hop scene which was underground but now with the help of movies and radio stations taking an interest in the culture it has become mainstream.

One of the main reasons for the rise of MMA classes is the wide range of benefits it offers.

You learn self-defence which is a vital skill, you become athletic and physically fit, you also gain mental traits such as confidence, discipline, respect, humility and of course it is a hobby and a source of rejuvenation that can continue to nourish you till the end of your life.

When something becomes popular it also brings with it a few challenges and one of the main challenges in mma has been to find authentic teachers because anybody who can teach any kind of martial art is now advertising their classes as MMA to get the marketing benefits of being associated with this hot trend therefore as aspiring practitioners it is your job to find the right teacher. The effort you will put in to find the right teacher is a part of the price you pay for this education.

The best way to find the right teacher is to simply have a conversation. First do your own research on MMA and then when you have a conversation with someone you will be able to tell how well they know their game also most academies that offer MMA classes will give you a free trial class

Every club every dojo has a different culture, some are more aggressive, summer are more spiritual, summer are more about actively competing, some are more about health fitness and perfecting the art form. So by taking multiple trial classes you will be able to find the one that works for you the best.

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