Sunday 5 December 2021

Types of Martial Arts academies and how to find the right one for you

In the words of Bruce Lee‘’empty your cup’’.Whatever pre-conceived notion you have of martial arts training you need to let that go because the options available in Delhi are extremely diverse.There are hundreds of different types of gyms and hundreds of different types of teachers and this is both good news and bad news because what it means is you will eventually find someone who is perfect for you and you will enjoy the benefits of martial arts training for the rest of your life,however it will not be an effortless process you will have to put in some time energy and money in finding that right teacher and gym but in the end it will be more than worth it.

So let’s look at the different themes and types of gyms and teachers that are out there to give you a broad idea of what it is like to go looking for Martial Arts training in Delhi.

1)    Children’s gym - as the name suggests a children’s training centre usually focuses on imparting Martial Arts training to kids between 4 to 15 years of age.Within the children’s gym category there are several subcategories such as children’s gyms that focus on traditional martial arts, where all the children have to wear uniform and eventually give exams and earn their belts but there are also formats where children don’t have to wear uniforms and it is more freestyle and there is no ranking or examination system.Teaching styles also vary greatly, some teachers like to play a lot of games to keep the students engaged where as other teachers focus more on instilling values such as discipline and technical education.In my opinion the right balance of both is what is best.

2)     Fighters gym - This is a place where people come to become professional fighters.These places are usually very hard core in nature, the environment is not very friendly, many of these places look like they are straight out of a movie. Imagine a gangster looking garage in some lonely corner of the city.While these type of gyms don’t focus much on aesthetics and convivence, they usually teach the most authentic and pure form of the art. Fortunately for fighters looking for Martial Arts training in Delhi there are many such places.

3)     Self defence gym –The main focus of training here is realistic combat and martial arts so you’ll see people training in various forms of combat and the culture here is very informa.lTeachers try to keep it realistic and focus on simulating what would actually happen in a real fight.This can be a lot of fun if you are actually into real fighting because this involves role-plays and often teachers will create situations that can happen in a real fight and students will act them out.

4)      Adult’s gyms –This is where a lot of adults can go and train. And just like children’s gyms have various sub categories, so do these. Adults can chose to go to a more traditionalsetting where they will be wearing uniforms and earning rank via examinations or they can go to more relaxed studio type environments where the focus is more on getting a good workout in. More and more adult’sare choosing Martial Arts training because of the holistichealth and well-being it offers, along with ofcourse learning powerful skills.

5)      Fitness-based classes - here the focus is on cardio and fitness.The main goal is to sweat and have a good time. People join these classes to stay in shape and these are usually very friendly for beginners.One of the main reasons behind the increase in demand for Martial Arts training in Delhi is these types of classes that have made Martial Arts accessible to a wider audience

6)      Spiritual training - believe it or not, there are some styles of martial arts that are known as soft styles and they focus more on spiritual training and inner work.Styles such as tai chi, aikido, all of these focus on developing one’s inner self and are completely different from the more hard core body focused fighting styles.

So if you’re looking for Martial Arts training for yourself, you need to go into interview mode and start visiting the dozens and dozens of Martial Arts centres we have in Delhi today. Most will be happy to talk to you about their philosophy, their training method and even give a free session or two. Experience as many different places as you can and then chose the one that resonates with you.

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